Friday, January 18, 2008

When some things just matter more...

Just a quick comment on something that has taken what's left of the patience i usually have in abundant amounts, reminiscent of a song by Nick Lachey.

Some of the smaller things that we live for are really bigger than what we think they are. We spend so much time building up things that just don't matter. All too often, we build castles of sand only to find out that what we're really building is a pile of broken down rocks that were at one time absolutely gorgeous in their raw form. 

I just want to take this opportunity to see that people hold on to what really matters HERE and make sure that those beautiful things in life; cotton candy, armadillos, sunrises, advocados, etc. are held in the highest. Our tanks need premium, don't fill it with Juicy. Round the bend.


1 comment:

Landis said...

atta boy...sunrises are great but you forgot about the most beautiful thing in life. three words. big league chew.

now thats premium. love ya bro, cya around.