Monday, February 18, 2008

Depressing and pressing...

"someday, i'll see, the love i give come right back full force in some kind of magnificent way, but i guess for tonight, i'll have to fall asleep knowing that today just wasn't the day, but left with that hope that tomorrow might be" - anonymous 

keep peddling, it'l make the downhill that much sweeter.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chocolate without sex...

So i got tired of looking a picture of Eli Manning celebrating, as i'm sure you did. Eagles fans can only find exictement for a crosstown rival when they take out the jaugernaut.
For the female audience...


And so begins where I write about cute stuff thats real, or at least stuff that really happens.
So i was in Albertsons tonight, and i proceded to the checkout and met a woman by the name of Gloria. Older, had that Sally Jesse Rafael look to her, ruby red nails and lips to match, the whole bit. As standard procedure suggests, i asked her how her night was going, she proceded to tell me what is NOW the quote of Valentines 08'.

"I'm doing great, ya know what hunnie, i got chocolate and flowers all day from men all shapes and sizes and ya know what...i didn't have to sleep with none of em'"

WOW, my reaction exactly.

I know your thinking that I walked away saying, "yea, this would be a good topic to talk about via blog" and i agree what that assumption... it is a good topic. And heres why.
This town and this country and this culture is built around the idea of WHAT THE HELL DO I GET OUT OF IT? And yes, it comes with that attitude and "HELL" included. All too often, giving becomes a flex of our biceps instead of a flex of our true hearts. 

Ulterior motives are key ingredients to the American diet, and i'm tired of that being on the menu. Can I just suggest real quick that we find a way THROUGH these motives to a safer and more economically sound place. A place where we do to do, we think to think, we run to run, we LOVE to LOVE.

I think thats all for now. Feedback is always welcomed, check out this song too. Let me just suggest that if your reading this, and you happen to be a female, this song is for you. You are a pretty girl. Until the sun comes up.


(actually u can find the song on the youtube part on the side)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

If you are what you say you are...

The weekend got me to thinking about a few things. With all the hoopla over the Bowl of Supers, whether it be the joy of seeing the little brother praised for something other than being born after a "champion", or a little baby who trades stock and owns a clown, or a 7'6" 320 lb. man on a little horse, bottom line is, root for the little guy. (Like really though, the little horse won the race, Shaq didn't do a thing, you know what i am talking about)

Take a step comes the application

Inside, we all have some Tom Brady aspects, that same aspect of us that has no problem letting everyone else know, ITS THERE. Now think of the Eli Manning...

EXAMPLE: You've never written before, and you think you like the idea of scribbling your mind onto a piece of paper... but your scared. Or you realize that the grande burrito without sour cream and only a little bit of cheese is your go to, but part of you thinks you might like steak better than chicken, but... chicken sounds good.

Keep rollin with me here, i know i am struggling to make this clear but here comes the rain:

Comfortable feels comfortable because we know it works. Somehow, we know this.

So what if trying a new flavor of Malibu Yogurt (never been there, heard good things) makes your world spin. Or what about that time you felt uncomfortable signing up for something you've never done before. Now how good does it feel when you finally spread you wings on your own, allow something new... something uncomfortable, become suddenly comfortable. And thats all you needed.

Know this, and run with this... you don't need someone or something to start flying, cause once you get up in the air, you'll find more who are into flying just like you... those are the ones you'll need in the end, trust me. 

Keep filling up with premium, i know it costs more but its worth more. And come check out Dance in Flight this weekend. (flying metaphor clear?)