Thursday, March 13, 2008


So i've never had braces. Looking in the mirror the other day, i noticed that the dentist might have been wrong. Looking for a way to solve what i thought was an issue, a small issue at that, i heard about a lil something called Invisalign. The products tag-line: 
it's clear, 
it's convenient,
it's custom made,
it's you
my first question... really?
Now all mommas drama aside, i'm not associating anything negative with the actual product but stick with me, it's where my idea flowed from.
it's clear: meaning, for some reason, somehow, your trying to hide something. It's as if you want a piece of something great but aren't willing to come to an understanding with the negative consequences.
it's convenient: it's unobtrusive and doesn't cost much. We don't risk anything by convenience. It's not throwing something into the ring we actually "hold dear" to achieve a greater good. 

It's "throw it in the microwave" 
it's "i don't have time for that" 
it's "i'll do it tomorrow, when i can do it today just as good".

it's custom made: implying that someone knows us better than WE. Who really knows what fits you right?
Is this real? Throwing shortcomings on the back porch only to hide the weakness and show our "strengths".
Build a house of gold to cover the faulty foundation and the walls made of Saltine Crackers and Elmer's Glue.

The breakdown: Don't make people know where we get awkward and ashamed. Try and allow access to that area of your mind, so it just isn't as awkward anymore. 

My advice to you on this:
-do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, if the words "wellll, i'm super comfortable right now" ever crosses your mind, find a way to rock your own world and do something that changes whatever got you feeling ok. 

(//I am that kid in the cafe who constantly checks his phone waiting for the text that never comes, and maybe if he looks busy, no one will bother him,
I am that girl who never fits the mold, and never finds the gold, cause silver seems good enough,
I am that guy who keeps going back to what he's done, cause he doesn't know otherwise,
I am the mom who tries so hard to wipe the hurt off her face, but she needs a reason to,//)

Come get it, go get it... it won't hurt.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you've done it again.

be as you are...

love, Danielle