Monday, March 3, 2008

Covered in rain

Think about being fully engrossed in what feels like an absolute disaster. Each and every step just gets incrementally and exponentially worse than the previous. The escalator heads down without a way up, much like those bee traps people have outside in the summer at the pool. No way out. Or at least it seems.

Close your eyes, write something down, throw down on your pillow, get lost in your comforter, and think about what it feels like to not feel what that feels like.

Take pain and create joy. Take struggle and create ease. Take conflict and create peace. Take anger and create forgiveness. Take negativity and create positivism. (think about the common link in those things, you have control)

The good thing about being /covered in rain\ is that everything that follows can only get dryer, and when things get dry again, well, then comes more rains that sometimes get heavier.

(My goal is to make this the last time I use someone else’s metaphors to unwrap some good ideas to live by but take this for what it’s worth, and I think it’s worth a lot. This is a premium message that helps remind you that even broken bones heal stronger, so listen up.)

This idea of being /covered in rain\ makes things interesting and ironically, hopeful. It’s the idea that every inch of your body is vulnerable, and absolutely and completely COVERED in r(p)ain. (They are synonymous in this metaphor, so stick with me.) I’m willing to say this pain is unavoidable, in all we work for and strive to become in this journey, its conceivably inevitable. And thanks to Noah, sometimes, when it rains, it pours. Here comes the release… really though, even he had Mt. Ararat. So in the words of Hilary, let the rain fall down.

Bring it. Handle it. And create your own way out. Put on your rain coat and your goulashes and forget the fact that it feels like it might never stop. Really though, what’s some sunshine without a rainy day.

I’ve made this my outlet, make it your inlet.

Much love,

1 comment:

cher said...

i think your goal's a bit ambitious in excommunicating the wide-stream outlet of foreigner metaphors. to the contrary, i think the ultimate joy is extracting out of a picture or saying, what your particular eyes and life have seen. it's always different, and thus the blessing. isn't that the invitation you give? to let your words and metaphors invade our lives? good thoughts SL.

and btw, there is a high possibility that bbq might be brewin... but the scent's carried on the east side of this large rock.